Translation of 1,000 pages in non-editable format

Ing. Martin Jeřábek, Executive Director
The HAVEL & PARTNERS law firm contacted us with a request for the translation of more than 1,000 pages of text in 120 separate PDF documents.
Deadline: a more than ambitious two weeks.
Mind you, it took a week just to convert the documents into an editable form for use in our translation technology!
Try to guess how many translators were involved in this project. You will find the correct answer at the end…
With offices in Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Ostrava, Olomouc and Bratislava (Slovakia), HAVEL & PARTNERS is the largest independent law firm in Central Europe. It runs a team of 300 lawyers and tax advisors, approximately 180 attorneys, and a total of 500 associates.
First of all, we needed to thoroughly review and sort all the documents. Our analysis revealed considerable similarities, so we divided the documents into several groups, based on their content and form: master agreements, contracts for work, general terms and conditions… We then distributed them to individual translators so that similar documents were always translated by the same linguist.
This helped us to save the time of our translators, who did not need to spend time tracking down terminology across a wide range of documents; but it also helped our client, as we were able to deliver the translations within a short period of time.
At the same time, we eliminated the risk of terminological inconsistencies that could result from the fact that similar documents were divided up among several translators.
To guarantee consistency, our team of translators also created a glossary, as with other assignments.
But let’s go back to the initial question
How many translators did České překlady assign to those 120 documents containing more than 1,000 standard pages, which needed to be translated in 14 days, when the formatting alone took a week? You may not believe it – the correct number is three. Three people translated more than 1,000 standard pages of text, which the client originally submitted in a non-editable format.
Do you also have an interesting assignment for us that would be a real challenge?
We are able to process large volumes of text with short delivery deadlines, and with formats
that look too complicated at first glance. We are České překlady – Czech Translations. Contact us.