Nearly 3,000 translation projects for the largest Czech law firm
We have been a trusted partner of the largest law firm in the Czech Republic and Slovakia, with a strong international presence, since 2008.
So far, we have processed almost 3,000 jobs for them. To be exact, we currently have 2,910 jobs in 87 language combinations. And every month, the number grows.
With offices in Prague, Brno, Pilsen, Ostrava, Olomouc and Bratislava (Slovakia), HAVEL & PARTNERS is the largest independent law firm in Central Europe. It runs a team of 300 lawyers and tax advisors, approximately 180 attorneys, and a total of 500 associates.
As of November 2022, we had delivered more than 5,200 pages of certified translations and more than 12,000 pages of specialized translations in the English-Czech and Czech-English combinations.
Law firms often request express-delivery translations of foreign language texts of various lengths. Whenever you might need a legal translation, we will guarantee linguistic accuracy, as confirmed by the attorneys from HAVEL & PARTNERS below.
Ing. Martin Jeřábek, Executive Director
České překlady has been our preferred provider of translation services since 2008. We greatly appreciate the company’s professionalism and helpfulness, as well as its ability to deliver translations that are consistently of an excellent quality, even under tight deadlines.
We are continuing our successful cooperation to mutual satisfaction, and it is more than likely that we are translating a new text for this law firm and their clients right now.