Conference ↔ Networking
The concept of NETWORKING involves the ability to create relationships between people, to exchange information and to maintain personal contacts that lead to the formation of a network of links.
From a career perspective, networking can be understood as creating contacts with people in order to get personal recommendations, advice, information, support and new energy. Another theory sees networking as a process of maintaining relationships, during which the mutual exchange of information, advice and support facilitates growth and success and brings satisfaction to all those involved. Interesting, isn’t it?
The goal of networking can therefore be to foster career growth, improve work performance in the company and to streamline business. Networking is typically used to build companies and create business strategies.
For us at České překlady s.r.o., networking is synonymous with conferences, which are a great opportunity and place to create relationships, share information, strengthen mutual trust and ensure growth in our business. Every year, countless meetings are held around the world for translation agencies, translators, translation software providers and, in general, for all people involved or interested in the field.
Here are the most important events:
GALA – an annual conference held this year in Boston and which will take place in Munich next year. GALA is a great event with lectures and workshops, and it is a perfect opportunity to establish new business contacts for both agencies and individuals.
LocWorld – a conference held three times a year. In 2018, all of the meetings have a unified theme: ‘Digital Transformation’. LocWorld is unique in that it brings the world together through the location of its seminars – Tokyo in Asia, Warsaw in Europe and Seattle in the USA. Lectures and workshops are tailored to the particular market or area.
The next is ELIA, which actually includes several conferences:
ELIA Together – a great opportunity, especially for translators, to meet translation agencies from all over the world.
Elia’s Networking Days for Executives – focuses primarily on the needs of senior managers.
Elia’s Focus on Project Management – is specifically aimed at the work of project managers.
ND Vienna, or Networking Days in Vienna – there’s no need to say more; again, it’s all about networking, and we’ll be attending this conference in October.
Elia’s Focus on Sales & Marketing – an event focused on business and promotion.
ATC/EUATC (Association of Translation Companies/European Union of Associations of Translation Companies) held their conference in April in Madrid. This is a more intimate event focused on meeting, learning and sharing professional experiences.
At the end of March, the Translation & Localization Conference was held in Warsaw, and as usual offered a very friendly and nearly domestic atmosphere. If you are planning to attend your first conference, we strongly recommend visiting this event next year to gain experience.
And finally, a few ‘local specialties’.
NTIF (Nordic Translation Industry Forum) held in November is intended especially for agencies in Northern Europe. In the USA, ATA (American Translators Association) holds several seminars in New Orleans, Palm Springs, Boston, Minneapolis, and Los Angeles. And in June, you can visit the 9th International Conference organised by the Abrates company in South America.
So, get your business cards and smiles ready and head boldly into the realm of networking 🙂
Author: Klára Svozilová